Sunday, September 20, 2015

Buttered Rosemary Rolls

from The Gathering of Friends Cookbook, Vol. 5
Raise your hand if you've ever felt intimidated by recipes that call for yeast....*insert emoji of girl raising hand*  The tricks for dealing with yeast include using the right temperature for warm water, and patience!  I assure you these rolls are possible and are easy, you may even have all these ingredients already!
--3 tbsp. active dry yeast
--1 cup warm water (a little hotter than warm)
--1/4 cup honey
--1 tsp. salt
--1 egg
--3 cups flour
for the top
--3 tbsp. butter, melted
--1 tsp. rosemary flakes
--1/2 tsp. salt
 --Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  In a mixing bowl combine yeast and warm water and let these two ingredients bubble up for about 5 minutes.
 --...5 minutes later.

--Add in one egg, the honey, and salt.
 --Whisk this together until well blended.
 --Measure out the flour and add this into the yeast/honey mixture.
 --Stir this until the dough begins to come together.  Then, on a floured surface, knead the dough until it comes together and is soft and elastic, about 6-8 minutes.
 --This is what I got after kneading for 6 minutes.  Compare the difference between when I started and ended.  Don't think your dough is wrong when it looks flaky, it will become more workable the longer you play with it!
 --Put the dough in a well oiled bowl and cover it in plastic wrap and place in a warm place to rise for 2 hours.
 --This is after one hour.  LOL it's blurry because my camera wanted to focus on the plastic wrap really bad.
 --After two hours, punch down the dough and divide into small balls...
 --...about the size of golf-balls.  Place them 2 inches apart and cover with kitchen towels to allow more rising for 20 minutes.
 --Before popping these in the oven for 11 minutes, brush each one with butter and sprinkle over some salt and rosemary to elevate them to amazing-ness.
 --In case you forgot what they turn out like!


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